Tubeless Tyre Services

Tubeless Tyre Services

Everyone hates punctures, but unfortunately its part of cycling....Unless of course you are running you bike as a tubeless tyre set up.

So what exactly is a Tubeless Tyre set up on a bike?

Well as standard a bike will tend to have the time trusted inner Tube inside of the tyre. This system works very well until you ride over something sharp, which punctures the inner tube which then needs to be repaied or renewed. Either way, it will stop you riding.

With a Tubeless set up there is no Inner Tube. The inside of the tyre contains a solution of Tubeless Sealant which when a tyre is punctured, flows to the hole and thickens on air contact, sealing the puncture before you even know you have had one 99% of the time.

So can everyone have their bike converted to run Tubeless?

No, Unfortunately not. 

You need the the following ;

1/ Your wheel rim to be Tubeless Ready.

2/ Your tyre to be Tubeless Ready

If you are unsure what set up you have I will be happy to advise. If you have a Tubeless Rim and a Tubeless ready tyre you are in a position to be converted to run Tubeless.

The Service that I offer includes the following;

1/ Removal of existing tyre, Innertube and degreasing of the wheel rim.

2/ Supply and fit tubeless rim tape to wheel rim.

3/ Supply and fit a Tubeless valve.

4/ Install the tyre on the rim and test for proper bead fit.

5/ Inject the correct amount of Tubeless sealant for the tyre size.

6/ Inflate, test for correct seating and test for leaks.

Once this has been completed you will be set up tubeless, with the benefts of ;

1/ Less chance of punctures.

2/ A lighter bike due to no innertubes.

3/ Able to run at lower pressures for more grip and rider comfort. 

If you book this service you can be confident that I will have you turned around and back on your bike as soon as possible.

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